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Sony PWS-110RX1A

Call for price

Network RX Station

(The PWS-110RX1A is a running change to the PWS-110RX1 receiver. With the exception of a new CPU board and future HEVC support, all software, hardware and performance features are identical to the PWS-110RX1.)

Please note: The PWS-110RX1 is a running change to the PWS-100RX1 receiver. All software, hardware,and performance features are identical, however, the PWS-110RX1 is 5 shorter and 8lbs lighter than itsPWS-100RX1 predecessor.

Sony’s network receive station, the PWS-110RX1, can accept live video and audio directly from a vastarray of supported camcorders and adaptors via a single 4G/LTE, Wi-Fi or wired network. The no-Sonyrecurring-fee network RX Station delivers uncommonly high quality HD streams.Live streaming from camcorders is incredibly hot right now, and it’s not hard to see why. Newsorganizations want the fastest access to breaking stories and editors want to get the fastest possiblehead start on incoming footage. But not all streaming technologies are created equal.

At the high end, satellite and microwave contribution work well-if you can afford the van, theantennas and the operating costs. Bonded cellular is an option, but you need to pay for two or moresimultaneous cellular channels which can require high monthly fees. Low-end Wi-Fi based solutions aregood for providing pictures to an audience that might otherwise be left in the dark. But all too often,the video stream is marred by picture freezes, dropped frames and macro blocking. That’s why Sonydeveloped advanced streaming with Quality of Service (QoS) for our PWS-110RX1 streaming receiver.You get maximum performance at minimum cost.

Sony’s QoS (Quality of Service) technology

Network packet loss, during streaming, can degrade image quality, cause image freezing and disruptthe audio. Sony’s Quality of Service (QoS) technology helps maintain video and audio integrity duringtransmission. Original Sony algorithms automatically optimize bandwidth and buffer size according tothe transmission conditions. Technologies like real-time automatic repeat request (ARQ), adaptiverate control (ARC) and forward error correction (FEC) maintain signal integrity. You get high-qualitystreaming without the need for manual adjustments.

Cost efficient live streaming of 1080i and 720p over 4G/LTE, Wi-Fi or Wired Ethernet

The unit receives connections from up to 30 Sony compatible Camcorders and adpators (see table onpage three) via 4G/LTE, Wi-Fi or wired Ethernet networks in a variety of broadcast formats,including 1080i and 720p. The system can handle live streams each, from 0.5-6Mpbs.

Direct streaming from a wide range of Sony camcorders

Supported cameras use a 4G/LTE/Wi-Fi dongle or CBK-NA1 ethernet adapter, and non supporteddevices can use the CBK-WA100 and CBK-WA101 adpators along with a 4G/LTE/Wi-Fi dongle or CBKNA1 Ethernet adapter.Remote file transfer

The PWS-110RX1 allows a user to remotely access proxy media within a supported camera or adaptor.The remote operator then has the ability to execute a file transfer from the camera or adaptor to anFTP server or cloud service of their choice.

Two simultaneous HD-SDI output streams

Output up to two live streams of HD-SDI for downstream systems such as a switcher or NLE. MultiplePWS-110RX1 units can be ganged together to allow additional camera connections and HD-SDI outputs,all while using single user interface.

Broadcast standard connectivity

In addition to two HD-SDI outputs, the receiver includes reference and timecode input connectors, toenable synchronization with broadcast systems.

Connection Control Manager software for efficient system management

Supplied software enables easy connection to camcorders and delivers efficient handling and controlof live streams and file transfers. The software is preinstalled on the PWS-110RX1 and presents acomprehensive GUI so you can easily view thumbnails from multiple camcorders; control camcorderconnections, transmission bit rates, latency settings, and monitor the output of multiple PWS-110RX1units.

Latest software releases include:

– Ability to simulataneously record HD-SDI output streams as MP4 files to network storage or aUSB connected HDD

– Cellular communication/status display within the user interface

– Up to 4 users can simultaneously monitor the user interface

– Remote camera control for supported cameras

– Automatic reconnect of streams

Compatible Cameras:

An array of Sony’s supported camcorders (listed below) can stream to the PWS-110RX1, including a longlist of camcorders that lacked wireless capability at launch. An appropriate firmware upgrade and awireless adaptor (sometimes sold separately) is required. For 4G/LTE streaming, a 4G/LTE dongle (soldseparately) and 4G/LTE carrier service will be required.

Cameras with built in QoS wireless

Cameras that require CBK-WA101

Cameras & decks that require CBKWA100 (with USB connection)
