H.264 Encoder/DecoderPart Number: VID-10004149We designed Greylock for reliable streaming at an affordable price. Greylock supports RTMP streaming as well as unicast and multicast, with HDMI, SDI, and resolutions up to 1080p60. It's perfect for event venues, houses of...
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Videon Shavano
4K HEVC Video EncoderINTEGRATES WITH ANY WORKFLOWShavano encodes 4K using HEVC or H.264 compression. Finally an encoder that makes 4K video portable. Shavano compresses 4K video to simultaneously stream to many different destinations including: Point-to-point on an...
Videon Sonara
HDMI Video StreamingSonora encodes an HDMI source using H.264 compression. Don't let Sonora's market leading price fool you, this is a professional video encoder with all of the features you would expect in a much higher priced unit, it has all the power to...